Sleep & Health


A bedroom is a place for rest, relaxation, and a personal safe haven. Considering that we spend around 8 hours each night in this space, it would make sense to optimize the space for comfort as much as possible and one method is through the use of 'Feng Shui'. Feng Shui is the practice of arranging buildings, objects, and space in an environment to create balance with the natural world. It is about promoting a beneficial flow of energy or chi (also known as Qi) so that the room brings peace and prosperity to the occupant. This comprehensive guide will provide you with advice on how to arrange your bedroom in a way that will promote balance and harmony in life.

The Ultimate Guide to Feng Shui Bedroom Layouts for a Harmonious Life


  • Introduction to Feng Shui & Benefits
  • Basic Feng Shui Principles for Your Bedroom
  • 20 Tips for Feng Shui Your Bedroom
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid When Arranging Your Bedroom
  • Conclusion

Introduction to Feng Shui & Benefits

Literally translated from Chinese, Feng Shui means “wind” (feng) and “water” (shui), which is an ancient philosophy that originated in China over 3,000 years ago. It is the art of placing structures, items, space, and life in a way that promotes harmony and balance as well is based on the principle that everything in the cosmos is interconnected and that chi, or energy, permeates through everything.

Creating a harmonious atmosphere that encourages and feeds the flow of positive energy is the aim of Feng Shui. Many advantages of Feng Shui exist. Your health, wealth, relationship, and general well-being can be enhanced by a well-planned and balanced environment. Moreover, it can boost your prosperity, creativity, and productivity. You can design a calm and tranquil place that encourages rejuvenation and restful sleep in your bedroom by applying Feng Shui concepts to the arrangement of the furniture.

Basic Feng Shui Principles for Your Bedroom

It is crucial to comprehend some basic Feng Shui principles before delving further into the layouts of Feng Shui bedrooms. The 'Bagua,' a map used in Feng Shui to determine the sections of your life that correspond to various parts of your home, is the first principle. Love, relationship, and health are the Bagua aspects that should be prioritized in the bedroom.

The Five Elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth make up the second principle. Each element has unique qualities that can be used to balance the energy in your environment.

The Yin and Yang, are the two complementary energies that exist in the universe, which is the third principle. Yang is masculine, active, and assertive, whereas Yin is feminine, passive, and receptive.

To create a peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom, it is crucial to have a balance between all five aspects and both Yin and Yang.

20 Tips for Feng Shui Your Bedroom

Feng Shui Your Bedroom

1. Place Your Bed in a Right Position

A core principle of Feng Shui is called the command position, which is the place in a room that empowers you. According to Feng Shui, the area in a room that is furthest from the door or diagonally from the door, but not in its direct line is the commanding position. In addition, the door should be clearly visible to you. You should spend most of your time in a room in the commanding position.

You don’t want your bed to be aligned with any of the doors in your bedroom, including those to the bathroom, closet, balcony, or patio since this will cause too much chi to flow toward the bed. Besides, avoid the “coffin position” with your feet pointing out the door.

Besides, the side of your bed shouldn’t be pushed up against a wall. To prevent energy from being trapped, please save some room for its left, right, and foot sides.

2. Get a Solid Headboard

In Feng Shui, headboards give one a sense of security in life. You can purchase a headboard separately if your bed is supported merely by a box spring, but you must secure it to the bed firmly to prevent wobbling. The greatest headboards are strong and without perforations. A headboard constructed of bars, for instance, can make you or your spouse feel imprisoned in the space. Choose one with rounded edges whenever possible.

You would experience pressure if you put your bed close to any low beams, soffits, or slanted ceilings. What’s more, avoid leaning your headboard against a wall with a bathroom on the opposite side to avoid having your good fortune flushed away.

3. Pair Your Items

hao shi cheng shuang

There is a proverb in Chinese “hao shi cheng shuang”, which means good things come in pairs. Even if you’re not in a relationship right now, decorate your bedroom for pairs because it’s believed that pairings foster loving and peaceful energy.

Place everything in pairs, including your nightstand, pillows, seats, and lamps, and leave a little extra room.

4. Right Color Scheme

Different color brings different visual shock and gives your bedroom a fresh look. The ideal bedroom colors according to Feng Shui convey passion and affection. Try adding colors from the fire element colors for energy and passion if you want a little bit of extra excitement in your bedroom. For example, red, strong yellow, and orange.

Earthy hues represent support and security. All the earth elements in your home are strong and harmonious according to Feng Shui, which helps your relationships be more stable, nourished, and protected. Metal colors such as gray and white stand for clarity, sharpness, and preciseness. Its serene presence will enable you to live lucidly and lightheartedly. Moreover, in order to create a tranquil and calm atmosphere in your bedroom, think about pastel colors. At the end of the day, getting a decent night’s sleep and feeling at ease in your own bedroom are the most crucial factors. Your tranquility and sense of peace may increase if your bedroom is decorated in light and delicate tones. You can use colors such as pale blue, pale pink, and pale purple.

5. Use Soft Lighting

Use Soft Lighting

Avoid using ceiling lights over your bed or other bright, distracting lighting for the greatest Feng Shui. Instead, use soft-lighting desk lamps and make an effort to maximize the amount of natural light coming in through the windows. Compared to harsh lighting, this will help you feel calmer and more at peace.

6. Add Vibrant Greenery

Live plants provide vivid life energy to an area, making them great decorations for the bedroom. Choose a plant that will flourish in your bedroom while keeping in mind the sunlight, temperature, and humidity levels in the space.

Many facets of your life can flourish and be restored by plants. Make sure the plant you select will thrive in the room’s lighting conditions. A pothos plant is a good choice if you’re new to caring for plants so that any greenery in your bedroom won’t shrivel or wilt if you fail to take care of it.

7. Accent Your Room with Fresh Flowers

Pick blooms that appeal to you, and look up the meanings of specific flowers to help you choose them. Keep the water fresh at all times and dispose of them when flowers are past their time.

8. Avoid You Bed Facing Directly to the Mirrors

Mirrors in front of the bed can bring an uncomfortable feel to the space as there is another person within the room. In addition, mirrors are also supposed to reflect energy, which might interfere with your sleep. If you can’t get rid of these mirrors since they are fixtures, cover them with some fabric.

9. Avoid Under-the-Bed Clutter

Avoid Under-the-Bed Clutter

Nothing, which could generate negative energy should be kept below and above your bed. Clutter causes unnecessary headaches and stress and therefore you need to clean it when possible. When you’re asleep and in a passive 'Yin' condition, the objects under your mattress have an impact on you. It is said that in Feng Shui clutter causes barriers in life and therefore it is necessary to clear your path or constructions for greater prosperity.

10. Reduction of Electrical Appliances in the Room

Your sleep may be disturbed by tech in your bedroom. Try your best to keep electronic devices out of your bedroom if you have difficulties falling asleep. If you are having difficulties sleeping try reading a book and doing some relaxation exercises such as meditation or stretching to get you in the mood for sleep.

11. Get a Supportive Mattress

There are many different types of mattresses available on the market, make an informed decision and invest in the one that will help you sleep best. It is a general fact that the better you sleep at night, the more rejuvenated you will feel the next day. It is not recommended that you purchase a used mattress in Feng Shui, because you never know what energy the prior owners have left behind.

SweetNight Twilight Hybrid Mattress provides zoned support, and guaranteed support in key areas without leaving the rest of the body without relaxation. The plush pillow top delivers extra comfort for your body and leaves you with a restful and peaceful feel. Medium firmness is always the most well-liked firmness level since it has been demonstrated to be ideal for low back pain sufferers in sleep-related research (European Committee for Standardization 2000.) For back and front sleepers, the recommendation is to pick a medium-firm mattress, which can support the pressure points and reduce the strain that the concentration of body weight causes.

12. Don’t Let Your Bedroom Become a Gym

Workout is an energetic activity, and exercise equipment generates 'Yang' energy. It is better to keep workout equipment in a different part of your house because you want the bedroom to have a more 'Yin' atmosphere to aid you in your rest and sleep.

13. Separate Your Work & Life

Your bedroom ought to be a haven away from the pressures of daily life, an undesirable location for a home office is the bedroom. It might be difficult to relax at night, difficult to stay focused and awake during the day if your desk and work supplies are right next to your bed.

14. Be Selective of Artworks

Be Selective of Artworks

Post pictures of peaceful natural sceneries or other inspiring locations. Choose a scene that is tranquil and serene, an image that inspires you to realize your goals or something else that relaxes and calms you. Meanwhile, avoid hanging too many paintings and pictures, which tend to look cluttered and can disturb your balance.

15. Maximize Airflow

Making sure there is plenty of airflows is a simple approach to embracing nature, which is a fundamental element of a Feng Shui bedroom. This will assist with better sleep in addition to keeping your bedroom fresh and tidy. Make sure not to block vents or radiators with furniture. If you have blocked light from windows, make sure your blinds are adjustable. Having a ceiling fan could also help with circulating air, but make sure your room has enough height and space for these add-ons, you don't want to crowd out the space to the point it feels uncomfortable.

16. Move Your Books Elsewhere

According to Feng Shui, books can keep you from feeling at ease in the bedroom, If you like to read before sleep, keep one or two books on your nightstand. Make sure not to have too many books piled or arranged in a mess. If you find that you are having issues sleeping, remove all the books from the bedroom and store them away. It is quite possible that the books are too stimulating, which could result in sleep latency.

17. Close All Drawers & Doors When Not in Use

Limiting your distractions is one way to achieve a Feng Shui bedroom. When trying to get some shut-eye or relax before bed, make sure to keep drawers and closet doors closed. Hence, even if you get into bed after a long day and see that your wardrobe is partially open, it is preferable to get up and close it before attempting to fall asleep. Even if your brain tells you that you are too comfortable to move and are ready for bed.

18. Find a New Place for Family Photos and Posters

Your bedroom is not the best place for family photos. Your bedroom is mainly for good rest and connecting with your partner. Pictures of your family members and art posters are not recommended for Feng Shui.

The placement of personal items and works of art in a Feng Shui bedroom layout can also impact the energy flow and mood of the space. Display your family photos and art posters elsewhere rather than your bedroom, and that could help you to achieve a Feng Shui bedroom.

19. Balance Five Elements

The five elements of Feng Shui are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Using your bedroom’s color scheme, shapes, accent pieces, and textures to balance these components if your space doesn’t feel quite right. You can introduce candles, more animal prints, or wooden furniture to the room. These earthy elements can add warmth and foster a sense of grounding in any way you choose to personalize it.

20. Beware of Sharp Corners

Sharp corners are referred to as poison or pointed arrows in Feng Shui. Corners can sap our energy and even give us the impression that we are being attacked. The corner of your room or the furniture with angles of 90 degrees should not cross into the area where the bed resides. A tiny plant or piece of fabric that flows over the corner can also be used to soften the corner if your alternatives for placing furniture are restricted.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Arranging Your Bedroom

1. Polygonal bedroom

The bedroom should be square in shape, not beveled or polygonal. Beveled edges tend to create an illusion of vision. Besides, angled corners tend to cause pressure, thus increasing the mental burden of the person and making them prone to illness and accidents in the long run.

2. The bathroom is converted into a bedroom

Due to the overall design of the piping in new buildings, bathrooms are all situated in the same area. Being stuck in the middle would undoubtedly have an effect on environmental hygiene because if the bathrooms are converted into bedrooms, you will be sleeping in the bathrooms on both the upper and lower floors, which is a damp and unclean location.

3. Bedroom door facing the bathroom or kitchen

The bathroom is prone to produce filth, smells, and dampness from use, which has an impact on the air of the room. Facing the bathroom can be harmful to one’s health.

The kitchen should also not be next to any bedroom, especially if the bed is close to the cooker’s wall. In Feng Shui, a kitchen is a place where there is fire. A combination of smoke, high temperatures, and even fire itself is not exactly a place you want to be around for good sleep.


In conclusion, Feng Shui is an age-old art that can assist you in designing a balanced and harmonious bedroom. You may design an environment that encourages rejuvenation and sound sleep by adhering to the fundamentals of Feng Shui, balancing your furniture layout, and utilizing soothing colors and supportive accessories.

Take what you have read in this article as a general guideline towards optimizing your space through Feng Shui, but remember that practicality and whether an arrangement is realistic is of the most importance. Do not let overthinking about Feng Shui become your latest factor in keeping you awake at night.